Aho Pitch 2024 Winners

Ngā Aho Whakaari announces the winners of a new ‘Aho Pitch’ development fund

As part of the unwavering commitment to fostering our people, Ngā Aho Whakaari is excited to announce six winners of a new ‘Aho Pitch’ development fund.

”Aho Shorts began 13 years ago with pitching sessions held in front of everyone at our annual hui,”

says EP Lanita Ririnui.

“As Māori, it harks back to our traditional oratory strength and sharing kōrero. We want to maintain that.”

Aho pitch was open to applicants around Aotearoa to deliver a three minute video pitch for the chance to be awarded $2500 in development for a short film or content idea.

“We are particularly excited by our rangatahi, the social media generation, who have a good grasp of delivery in that timeframe,” said Ririnui. “They came to our wānanga and took advantage of one on one hui for feedback, so it was great to see the benefits of that shine through to the final selections.”

Aho Shorts also ran an open pitch session earlier this year at Māorilands Indigenous Film Festival in Otaki, won by Te Awarangi Puna. The programme was also delighted to be supported by First Nations Canadian Producer Steve Sxwithul’txw, who added a $500 development koha to Ngāwari Tamanui-Fransen for his pitch on the day.

Due to the exceptional talent & pitches, Aho Shorts increased its support from four to six recipients of $2500 each.  

Congratulations to our 2024 Aho Pitch Winners:

  • Te Awarangi Puna
  • Swizl Jager
  • Ella Gilbert
  • Awanui Ririnui-Ryan
  • Tū Māia Curtis
  • Jasmine Day

For more information, contact admin@ngaahowhakaari.org

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15 July 2024  |  9:30 am  |  Te Mahurehure Marae, Point Chevalier
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15 July 2024  |  9:30 am  |  Te Mahurehure Marae, Point Chevalier
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